Kyle Beck Kyle Beck

Cherokee Postmortem - Kyle

I’m a Chaos Space Marine player, and I went to the event with a very random list! My final results was 3-2-1! I was very confident in my list as I’m better with infantry rather then vehicles.

Round 1 vs Tau

This was a very good game! My number 1 training partner is also a Tau player (ed note: you’re welcome, Kyle) so I knew what to expect from the army! My opponent ran into the mid-board, my army ran into him, and that was the end. Unfortunately, my opponent was very good with his army and this game was my tie game!

Round 2 vs Chaos Knights

Having trained against it a lot, I know I have a very bad match up against the 13 dog spam list. But, this opponent was VERY different. He got turn 1 and moved everything to the mid board and waited for me to come out, but I just went for it because I knew my how good my damage output was.

I was proud of my army after this game. Abaddon picked up 3 knights and my chaos lord with an anti-vehicle 4+ enchantment picked a up another 4 and my opponent just ran out of steam!

Round 3 vs Tyranids

This opponent was very disrespectful. Not only was he 10 mins late to the table, he then took 20 mins to reset all the terrain on the table! After all that, he then deployed his whole army with talking with me at all! He put 3 norn emissaries on the table, and I knew I did not stand a chance! However, my Abaddon picked up 2 of the 3 and a malaceptor by himself! But, my opponent out scored me in primary and I could not catch up! So, the first loss of the tournament.

Round 4 vs Blood Angels

The was my first game of day 2 my opponent had a very “fluffy” list, I went first and deployed and moved up like my typical playstyle! My opponent then ramed in to me then in the combat phase he hit me and I interrupted, killing his second 10 man squad in one activation, and my opponent’s army just kinda snowballed down after that!

Round 5 vs Astra Militarum

This opponent was a good, technical player! When the game started, to stand on points and outscore him in primary before he could secret mission for the 20 points. Everything my units touched died- but I did give up my home to him for the secret mission. I scored 15 primary on turn 3+4 and he couldn’t catch up after!

Round 6 vs Death Guard

This was my last round of day 2. I was distracted by some news I got going into the game and my opponent ran all over me! My opponents list was definitely well balanced for the meta of the weekend! He took his WHOLE army turn 1 on my Abaddon squad and complete destroyed it, I did score a good amount of points before I lost but could not turn it around due to my opponents damage output!

Final Thoughts

So, my take away from this tournament- My playstyle is sit on points and let my opponent come fight me! Most of my games over the weekend was just fighting on circles! I had small single units to do simple secondaries, but was not to concerned with them as I knew I was going to focus on Primary. My games usually only lasted about 45 mins, so I did sit around a lot in the tournament. But, I’m very proud of my army - and all of my practice partners leading up to the tournament!

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